Thankful Thursday – Houston Day 1

May 31, 2012
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This Thankful Thursday I am thankful for my longtime friend Jessica! We met when we were 13 and although we haven’t lived in the same town since we were 15, we have stayed in touch and friends all these years. For that special friendship I am so grateful.

So when Jessica sent me a message saying she was going to be in Houston for a conference in May, my first thought was “WOO HOO!” Once she got the details, I planned to take the girls down to Houston to see her since she had never met Amelie and it had been 2 years since Nadia and I had seen her. I was literally counting the days for this visit! Thursday morning swim lessons were canceled due to a big storm and so the girls and I left town about an hour earlier than we planned. The girls did so well on the drive down that we only had to stop once! It was amazing! We picked Jessica up at her hotel and headed over the Houston Aquarium since they have a little outside area. We planned to have dinner, but the girls really needed to burn off some energy. We walked around the open areas inside the building including a restaurant where you can dine while looking at the big fish tanks.

May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

This photo does not do justice to how very BIG this type of fish was and how many there were.

May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

Jess got the girls tickets to ride the carousel (notice it’s all water animals – so cute) and here is Nadia pretending to be a croc.

May 31, 2012

Amelie rockin’ the shades.

May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012

After the aquarium we headed over to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner. On a side note, their kids meal is a super value and a very kid friendly place. Once dinner was over we called my dad to see if we could swing by there since it was too early to take Jess back to the hotel and his place has a super cool roof view of Houston.

May 31, 2012

Jessica and Amelie.

After a little more visiting and catching up we took Jess back to the hotel since she had early meetings in the morning and I put my very tired children to bed at Papa and Grandma Brooke’s. I was a blessing to see you Jess! Hugs and love from Texas!