Thankful Thursday

Last night at dinner we found out that our house most likely flooded. Our neighbor saw water seeping out of our house and when we didn’t answer the door he turned the water off at the street. He then drove to the HOA presidents house to ask him to call us. We called Mike’s cousin Janis and asked her to drive right over. Sure enough the downstairs of the house was flooded.

So today I am thankful for:

  • Janis being willing to meet the clean up crew at our house at midnight and stay up all night while they worked – texting back and forth with Mike to keep him updated.
  • For Mike staying up all night to answer questions and pay our deductible in the middle of the night while I tried to get some sleep.
  • For our friends and family who have been willing and able to help us today.
  • For Steve heading to our house to drain our bed today since the clean up crew didn’t last night and they left the wet carpet under our bed. (and for the others who volunteered to go and do that)
  • For insurance and the money to pay our deductible.
  • For technology to get this done from 1200 miles away.
  • For the fact that it’s just STUFF that was destroyed and will need to be replaced. My greatest gifts are with me at the beach 🙂
  • For the fact that God is good all the time – even when things happen that we just don’t expect. God is using His people once again to show us how very much He loves us.