“Look at my Eyes” Book review and Giveaway


I read the book “Look at my Eyes” by Melanie Fowler last month. It is about Autism Spectrum Disorders: Autism and PDD-NOS. We don’t have an autistic child in our family, but their family goes to our church and I wanted to read their book. After finishing it, I asked them if I could feature the book on the blog and have a giveaway of 2 copies of the book. I think it’s a good read even if your child is not on the spectrum because you never know when you could be a support for someone in this situation.

Near the beginning of the book Melanie says, “I had no time to read any book over a thumbnail thick….. I needed something helpful and informative, but it also had to be short, concise, to the point, and hands – on.” And that is exactly what this book is. I was able to read through it in one evening and if I was a parent in this situation I would be really encouraged after reading this.

The focus of the book is on early intervention and navigating the system. Her son was diagnosed at an early age and she and her husband Seth began the long and overwhelming road to helping their son. She has chapters on dealing with insurance, therapy options, activities to do at home and lots of other helpful information in an easy to manage book. They have a lot of “real life” information in here and it doesn’t feel like a scientific journal; rather it’s one family to another.

Inserted throughout are “Seth Says” sections where he shows his heart and the dad viewpoint of having an autistic child. Some of these broke my heart, but I really appreciated the honesty. I highly recommend this book if you are curious what parents go through, if you have an autistic child or if you have a friend you would like to help by giving the book too.

To order the book you can click on this link.

To find them on Facebook and Twitter.

Giveaway rules: Leave a comment here with your email so I can contact the winner. You can enter until midnight on August 21, 2011.

For an extra entry: Like “Look at my Eyes” on Facebook.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

You can also see this giveaway on the Hip Homeschool Mom’s Site.