Amelie’s First Lapbook

B is for Bug B is for Bug

Color matching and patterns.

Amelie has REALLY wanted to “do school like sissy” but she wasn’t totally ready. Without her knowing it, she has been learning all along with the games that we play and other activities, but the various comments she made showed me she wanted to feel official. She is now recovered from her two major hand surgeries earlier in the year and all of the fine motor skill work I have been doing with her doesn’t seem like school in her 4 year old mind. So I told her we were going to make her first lapbook for school. She was SO.EXCITED.

We started with the Pretty Bugs Printables. I let Amelie pick out what color folder she wanted to create her lapbook and she went for green.

B is for Bug

Letter practice.

B is for Bug

Do-A-Dots are always a hit in our house.

B is for Bug

She was so proud once it was all finished and I liked how many skills the printable pack included. I look forward to doing more and more of this with Amelie.