“Puffs…to feed or not to feed” says Nadia.

I will have photos up from this weekend soon, but I just wanted to post Nadia’s accomplishment today. And I had to put up this cute little photo. We have been working with her on “self feeding” the little Gerber puffs. She doesn’t want to do it, she just wants to be fed. She will go to extreme lengths to get the puff in her mouth without the use of her hands. She could put some Pilates/yoga doing women to shame with these moves.

But today I put the puffs down where she couldn’t quite bend to get them and she put her head down and used her hand to scoot the puff to her mouth. Yeah for her. So I did it again. She tried to get it that way again, but it didn’t work. So she picked it up with her right hand and made a fist. Then she opened her hand and looked at the puff. I said, “You can do it, put it in your mouth.” She opened and closed her hands a couple more times and then popped it in her mouth. I cheered and clapped and she started laughing with a look like, “Sheesh I didn’t know it was so important.” Hee hee.

So she did it two more times with more laughing and cheering and then decided she was done with that and it was time to play. We knew she “could” do it, but she just prefers us to do it. She cracks me up. She is also cruising the furniture like a speed racer and more and more often I see her let go with both hand and try to stay up. She collapses almost immediately, but it’s fun to see her try.