Meeting the Grinch

Last month we took Nadia to see “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” done as ice sculptures at the Gaylord Texan hotel. They bring in men from China to do a different theme every year and it’s amazing. When I was buying the tickets Mike and Nadia noticed a “meet and greet” with the Grinch and Mike told me to buy a ticket for Nadia. You can not imagine how EXCITED Nadia was during this time. I showed her these photos today and she started clapping and said, “Awe! So cute!”

There are a ton of photos in this album (just so you know). In the photo below Nadia had just asked me to join her with the Grinch. So sweet.

Grinch - ICE
Click to see album

Grinch - ICE

Grinch - ICE

Grinch - ICE

Hugging the Grinch goodbye when our time was up.

Grinch - ICE

Inside the actual ICE display.

Grinch - ICE

Grinch - ICE

And one more cute shot from our night.

Grinch - ICE