“I’m mobile, why fall asleep?”

“I’m mobile, why fall asleep?” If Nadia could speak in complete sentences, this is what she would be asking us each night. It comes out more like, “Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ma ma ma!” She has entered the stage in a baby’s life where they realize that they can get around by crawling and the world is at hand for them to explore. She just goes and goes and goes all day and then when it’s time for bed, even if she is tired, no way!!! Why sleep when there is more stuff for me to check out?? She is still getting her two naps a day in because she just wears herself out, but man at bedtime she just wants to stay up and play. She cracks me up because she is just so curious about the world around her and now that she is the speed racer crawling machine, she wants to see even more.

I love to make lists, so here is some information on our first 8 weeks with Nadia. She has eaten 225 bottles -she goes through a can of formula a week. She has eaten approximately 75 jars of baby food. She has used 340 diapers. She has used more wipes than I could possibly keep track of – seriously…babies use a lot of wipes! I had about 16 containers that I got for free with coupons before we left and now we are down to just a few. If I had realized this, I would have worked that deal a little more to have a bigger stash to match the diaper stash. HA!!

My friend Terri gave me a “You Make me Smile” award on her blog yesterday. Once you get it, you are supposed to tag 10 more bloggers/friends and tell them why they make you smile. I am going to do this in a different post. But thanks to Terri because she said I make her smile for my dedication to World Vision and KIDS HOPE USA. God has blessed me to be able to work with both organizations – one as a volunteer and one as a job through my church. It’s wonderful for me to be able to help children around the world in a tangible way. God is so good to me and I am grateful for it.

Here are some other tidbits about Nadia:

    o She still doesn’t like having her diaper changed, but what baby that can roll over does?
    o She doesn’t like straight fruit. Examples are peaches or apricots. Now if you give her the baby food with the bananas, plums and grapes mixed up then she goes for it. Otherwise she prefers chicken noodle or vegetable chicken and veggies. She just scarfed down a garden vegetable container. We appear to have a meat and veggie girl for the moment.
    o Her current “thing” of the week is to shake her head back and forth like “no”. Of course she doesnt’ know what it means, so it’s hilarious.
    o Her current favorite toy is the stacking cups. She likes to get one in each hand and bang them together, then when crawling have one in each hand. It’s fun when they get away from her because they really roll and she enjoys watching them. Then she goes for the chase and it all begins again.
    o She is fitting solidly in 6 month clothes. She’s currently 10.5 months old.
    o Her hair is growing like crazy, but sticking out in all directions. We are joking that we are going to have a Chinese punk rocker until it grows out 🙂
    o She’s going to be baptized this weekend.
    o She can roll her tongue and flip it over completely.

    P.S. Thanks to Mark H. for ordering from Lil Sugarplum and mentioning my name.