Halloween 2012

Halloween 2012

We started the night by visiting Mike’s mom at the rehab center and we were quite a sensation for the people there. I have to tell you I cracked up laughing at the older women whipping out their iPhones asking us to pose for photos. They loaded the girls up with candy and we were on our way. We decided to once again go trick or treating at Hometown because that neighborhood is so cool!! I love how the people who live there really get into the event.

Once in the neighborhood kids started yelling, “Santa! Santa! Santa!” Mike was ready with Christmas Erasers, mini candy canes and peppermints. We posed for a lot of photos and saw plenty of people just taking photos without asking.

Halloween 2012

We were glad for a quick photo op with the Welches. Elliott was a Cowboy, Jude a horse and their baby brother was in a Sheriff onesie that Tricia’s mom made which was so cute! And Tricia was a Native American. We really should have taken a photo with adults too, but it was pretty busy out there.

Halloween 2012

This was in the middle of the neighborhood in their park area.

Halloween 2012

Amelie was fascinated by this giant Hulk, but wasn’t having ANY part of the photo op. Nadia jumped right in of course.

Halloween 2012

The Wizard of Oz house was done up again and the girls loved seeing it. We collected candy (and handed out our own) until Amelie declared she had to go to the restroom and was “so tired”. Then we ended the night in our usual fashion: a stop at Grammie’s house and a 2nd stop at Roger and Paula’s. We had so much fun!