1st Molar and some random photos

Nadia kept us up most of last night after breaking in her 1st molar. She was so miserable that it was heartbreaking. I was glad we have baby meds and teething tablets for her, but she had a terrible night of sleep. This morning while Mike was at school she sat on my lap or snuggled up next to me on the couch for almost the 2 hours. That is totally unlike her and I knew she felt bad….if she is awake, she is usually MOVING! She was asleep at 6:30 tonight, but that’s cool because we are trying to get to sleep earlier. I am saying a prayer that another tooth doesn’t come out during our long day of travel on Saturday.

China 2008: March 24th
China 2008: March 24th (click to see album)

Yesterday we just relaxed a bit and then headed out to do some more shopping. Nadia only lasted about 2 hours and of course by that night we knew why. I took some photos from the cab ride. This one cracks me up! “Rude Tobacco” looses something in the translation.

Taxi 03

Today Mike had school and once Nadia was up from her nap we headed back over to the New York House for one last “best burger ever” before we go home.

New York House

We went to the Lotus for a last round of groceries too and then came right back home. The wind was blowing like crazy. I did get a photo of the magnetic escalators for the ones who were asking. I got some weird looks and Mike was correct in saying I must have looked weird taking a photo of something that the Chinese see in their day to day life. We hear classical music every morning from the school next to our building and I snapped a photo of the kids doing their morning exercises.

Magnetic Escalator Primary School

And here is a photo of what I am calling “The Mini Food of China.” The Ritz cracker is there as a frame of reference for the size of the ice cream drumstick. These are Disney and marketed to kids and I can eat 4 at once 🙂 We found the Kiddie Cheese at Wal-mart in the very small section for cheese (cheese isn’t popular here). It comes in these tiny little cups that are supposed to be a serving size for one child. We bought strawberry, but Nadia didn’t like it by itself. I thought it tasted like flavored Philly Cream Cheese (just not as sweet as in America) and so I put it on a roll and she liked it much better. The little spoon in the cup came with it, and that is common…tons of foods here in China come with them. I wonder if that’s how they stay so skinny? Kids still get snacks, but they are small. Oh and I forgot to tell you that I found another flavor of Ritz last week: Milk! Milk is a popular flavor here and we had already tried some cookies that were milk flavored, but not the Ritz. They are tasty like the others, but nothing beats the Orange ones.

Mini Food

And yes Nadia “needed” more clippys when we were out shopping Sunday 🙂

Clippy City

Silly girl playing around.

Cute Girl