Mother’s Day 2009

Happy Mother’s Day! I got my present early and have been using it all week. It’s a Fountain Jet soda maker from Sodastream. It’s so cool!!! I love having lots of variety in my drinks and this allows me to make a liter of soda at a time. Plus it’s cheaper than store bought soda and you reuse your bottles so we won’t be making as much waste. We do recycle everything anyway, but it’s nice to not have to lug soda from the store. I am so excited because this is the perfect “Louanne Gadget”.

Just like last year I wanted to celebrate on the Friday before to beat the crowds and have a more relaxing time. We headed for PF Chang’s because I wanted to start a tradition and that’s where we went last year. The dinner itself was fantastic and Nadia was totally happy and acting very silly. She used the chopsticks as drumsticks (of course) and played some tunes for us.

Mother's Day 2009 Mother's Day 2009

She loved the food and she kept saying, “Big Bite.”

Mother's Day 2009

Here is our family photo from the night.

Mother's Day 2009

And here is last years.


Today we went to church. Here is a shot of Nadia and I outside the building.

Mother's Day 2009

As we were leaving she ran into the grass and realized it was wet. This lead to her wanting to make boot prints over and over again. Aren’t those boots the cutest things ever???


Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mike suprised me with a card from Nadia that she gave me with a big smile and said, “I made it for you.” And Mike had put one from him in my purse. Later we went to visit Mike’s mom. It was a really wonderful day that topped off a busy and fun weekend (another blog post to follow).

Music Class – Spring 2009

Music Class- Spring 2009
Click the photo above to view all the photos (there are lots this time).

This week was Nadia’s last music class for the semester and it’s the one week they allow parents to bring cameras. Here is Nadia with some of the boys from our playgroup.

Music Class Spring 2009

A little foot drumming.

Music Class Spring 2009

With Mommy.

Music Class Spring 2009

Nadia with Miss Jennifer and Miss Janis.

Music Class Spring 2009

Music Class Spring 2009

Little Eli.

Music Class Spring 2009

Music Class Spring 2009

This is such a fun class for Nadia and we are going to sign her up for the fall semester since she loves music so much.

The Cannon’s visit

We have been very busy around here, but we were able to squeeze in a visit to the zoo with Alan, Shawn and Alyssa last Saturday since they were in town. The weather was perfect and it was a really great day at the zoo. Shawn and Alan were our secret pals during the wait to adopt and each month of the exchange was so exciting to see what would arrive. Nadia uses the blanket they gave her every night in bed and the famous “taggie” who has traveled the world with us rides shot gun in the car seat with her each day.

Cannon Visit 4.09

Click on the link above to see all the photos (there are a lot).  Nadia was just coming off being sick for a week so she was very mellow at the beginning and just wanted to be held by Mike for the first part of the day.

Zoo - April 2009

Around the time that we saw the elephants she was doing better and we even managed to get some shots of the girls together 🙂

Zoo - April 2009 Zoo - April 2009


Zoo - April 2009

We went over to where the dragon sculpture usually is and look what has taken it’s place.

Zoo - April 2009

A Kangaroo with a little Joey. Isn’t this one cute with them each holding a paw?

Zoo - April 2009

Nadia did this on Saturday and I snapped a photo after she asked Mike to do it. We had no idea what started that, but today she told me that she’s “looking through her camera”.  Hee hee.

Zoo - April 2009

Zoo - April 2009

We all had a great time and it was so fun to get the girls together again since they were about 9 and 10 months old the last time.

Week in review

Columbus Day 2008
Columbus Day 2008 (click to see album)

Rather than do a bunch of posts I am doing a week in review. It makes it seem like we were so busy, but it really was a more mellow week than we have had in a while, just a lot more fun. 🙂 Early in the week we had a MOM’s group playdate at a very cool park with a toddler area. And we actually took a posed photo of the mommy’s with the kiddos. Notice Nadia with all the boys!

Then Grammie, Nadia and I celebrated our annual birthday lunch at California Pizza Kitchen.

Birthday Lunch

On Friday we met Stephanie and her kiddos at the zoo. We had a great time, but I can’t put any photos up of her wonderful kids until they are officially their parents.

Mid October 2008
Mid October 2008 (click to see album)

The new lion cubs at the zoo.

Lion Cubs

Riding the Yellow Rose Express at the zoo.

Serious story Fun on the train

On Saturday morning I went to Mellie’s baby shower at Lauren’s very cute new house.

Chrissie and Louanne Katie and Louanne

Mellie and Kara Mellie's Shower