Expedition China Unit Study

China Unit Study 2014
Do-A-Dots make learning fun! (click to see album)

*A catching up blog post*

As we were preparing to leave for our trip to China in February to meet Dani, I did a Chinese New Year unit with Amelie and a more in depth China Unit study with Nadia. I thought it would be fun to study because our house was filled with endless discussions about China already. We used one of the Amanda Bennett studies again because they are so convenient and easy to use.

China Unit Study 2014

China Unit Study 2014

China Unit Study 2014

On each of the 5 days of study we learned about a place in China, a Chinese animal, a Chinese invention and a missionary to China. It was very informative and we watched quite a few interesting and beautifully filmed videos.

China Unit Study 2014

As always Nadia loves putting together her lapbook at the end. It gives us a chance to review everything we have learned and talk about our favorite parts of the study.

China Camp 2014 – Day 3

China Camp 2014 - Day 3
Nadia with her teen counselors (click to see the day's album)

We woke up the last day of China Camp, had a quick breakfast at the hotel and got the girls dropped off. Then Mike, Dani and I headed back to get the place packed up and ready to check out. Mike’s sister Sharon was driving back down with our other niece Gwen so she could meet Dani and see the rest of us too. (So sweet for Sharon to make the drive twice).

Dani having fun while we pack.

Dani happily entertained herself while we cleaned everything up. We then went with Sharon and Gwen to grab lunch at Subway and then head back over to the church for the closing ceremonies. It was great to see that they shortened the time of this because in the past it has been too long and the kids are tired. Plus most people have to travel home. The girls did a great job – Amelie’s class did a song called “2 tigers” and Nadia’s class did Kung Fu.

China Camp 2014 - Day 3

Amelie’s song

Nadia’s Kung Fu

Canon and Mason girls

After the kids were dismissed we met up with the Cannon family for our yearly photo of the girls. We also had a nice visit with Sharon and Gwen.

Gwen and Amelie

Nadia, Dani, Gwen, and Amelie

Dani and Gwen

Once we packed up and started on the road for home, Dani started to have an over-tired meltdown in the car. She put her little duck in her mouth and was swinging her head back and forth. Then she fell asleep like that which made me laugh.

Dani's post-tantrum nap

Taggie at China Camp 2014

This year we took a photo of Taggie at the back of the church. The drive home went well and we were so glad to have attended another successful China Camp. It was also a sweet time for Mike and I to spend with Dani and watch her maneuver around cast free.

Thankful Thursday


Today I am thankful for the adoption community I have been a part of since 2005. I have met so many wonderful people that I never would have come in contact with had it not been for adoption. Last week we met an online friend and her girls in person at the zoo and we had a great time!