Brain Unit Study

Brain Unit 2014
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Nadia was really excited when I told her this unit study on the brain had come out and she asked me to buy it right away. It took us a while to get around to it because we were working on other stuff, but it was a great one! We learned all about the three main parts of the brain with lots of interesting videos and informational websites. Additionally there was a “Brainiac of the Day” which featured people like Dr. Ben Carson and Thomas Edison.

Brain Unit 2014

Jedi’s need to learn about the brain to use the force 🙂

Brain Unit 2014

Brain Unit 2014

Nadia made a neuron out of playdough.

Brain Unit 2014

Working on one of the parts of her lapbook. The favorite memories she picked out were very sweet and the pictures she drew are super cute! Nadia found so many things about this unit study amazing and was so happy to finally complete it.