Star Wars Costume Exhibit

The week we were visiting the Peterman’s an amazing exhibit on the costuming of Star Wars opened at the Denver Museum of Art. Jess got the tickets early thank goodness because it was basically sold out in advance of the opening. It took us a couple hours to get through it and we ALL loved it. It’s amazing the vast amount of effort put into each and every part of the costumes for the movies. The exhibit included moldings of faces and described how costumes came apart in filming. There are way to many photos of the exhibit, but I am going to put up some of my favorites from the day. The rest are in an album here.

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving with the Peterman’s is always a wonderful food fest filled with more desserts than anyone can handle. It’s perfect!

Dani’s job was to make the decorations!

Ingredients for on of the over the top desserts I made.

Thanks again to Randy and Jess for letting us join in the fun filled day with both your families! Love you!

Denver Science Museum

**Starting a business really distracted me from blogging. Whew! Going to work on catching up**

We headed with the Peterman’s to the Denver Museum of Science and Museum for the day. The girls had a lot of fun and so did the adults.

Nadia and Evie doing experiments. 

Amelie’s hands in the human body area. 

After the museum we went out to lunch at a totally tasty burger place then the girls all needed to chill!

Donuts, cookies and concerts

We started this day with Randy and Amelie going to multiple donut shops and bringing home a feast. While they were out, Jessica made a bunch of bacon. It was awesome.

This was my tester plate of deliciousness.

Amelie again loving the dogs at the Peterman’s house.

The grown ups all went to see Andy McKee live in concert in the evening. We had such a nice time and he is such a great player.

Jessica also introduced me to these cookies which are over the top, absolutely amazing!! It was a great day!