China Trip 2014 – Day 14

China Trip 2014 - Day 14
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Goodbye China! Our last morning at the Garden.

We got up on Thursday morning and made sure everything was packed except the final stuff in our carry-on bags. We were amazed to see the sun trying to peek out from the clouds so we went down for breakfast and took the camera to try and get some outside shots. I told the girls to eat as much as they possibly could because we wouldn’t have time to eat again until we were on the flight to Seoul.

China Trip 2014 - Day 14
Dani wanted no part of this photo because sitting down was not her idea.

China Trip 2014 - Day 14
The Garden has two cool waterfalls and it was nice that we could see one of them from our room.

China Trip 2014 - Day 14

After taking some more photos of the Garden with the sun shining we headed back to the room to finish packing. Our guide Lily was waiting for us in the lobby to finish checking out and load up in the van. The girls had been asking for photos by the statues at the entrance and I almost forgot so the three of us ran back in while the driver loaded our luggage.

China Trip 2014 - Day 14

China Trip 2014 - Day 14

We got to the airport pretty quickly and said goodbye to the driver. He was really kind throughout the week and even though he didn’t seem to speak English he seemed happy all the time which was nice. Lily helped us get all checked in and walked us all the way to security. At the Korean Air counter we asked about the long flight home and getting two rows if possible. They told us there were open seats so they went ahead and booked us in the aisle and window again on two rows. They told us that we just needed to hope that no one bought the seats in between by tomorrow. I told them thanks over and over and that we totally understood, and we were on our way. We checked our bags through all the way to DFW so we wouldn’t have to touch them in Korea during our 16 hour layover.

China Trip 2014 - Day 14 China Trip 2014 - Day 14

Waiting to board our flight to Korea. I went into the gift shop to see how much the airport charged for Amelie’s Panda vest. We paid 70 yuan on the island (about $11 USD). They had it for 300 yuan (about $49 USD)! They also had a guy there making name chops while you wait. They were charging 380 yuan (about $62 USD) for the size we bought Dani on the island for 50 yuan (about $8 USD). Made me feel good about my haggling skills and I know the people on the island still made money πŸ™‚

We boarded the plane and had 4 seats together in one row. Dani did fine sitting on Mike’s lap most of the flight. The only issues she had were if he moved her an inch or two to the left or right. πŸ™‚ The girls were excited to find Frozen on the in flight entertainment and they immediately plugged in their headsets. Korean Air gave all 3 girls a toy and we had lunch on the plane. Once arriving in Seoul we headed to wait in line for immigration.

The girls decided to chill out while waiting in line which made the other passengers laugh.

Once we got to the window and handed over the passports the woman was acting like she wouldn’t let Dani through on her Chinese passport even though we knew she could. Then Mike realized that I didn’t say we were “In Transit” – that was the key phrase to get us through. Whew. I was nervous there for a second. We went through customs after that with our carry on bags and worked our way over the the Korean Air customer service desk to find out about our hotel night. They had all of our documents prepared and the man at the desk said, “Here are your room vouchers and we also arranged for you to have dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow.” I nearly started crying it was such a surprise. We loaded up on the shuttle for the Hyatt and once we got to registration they told us they had two rooms for us so everyone could have a bed. I was once again surprised and then she said she could give us adjoining rooms and that they would send a baby bed up. After they brought the bed for Dani we headed down to eat at the buffet which was delicious. They even had a cake and gelato bar which we went back to three times.

We went back to the room and got ready for bed since we had PJ’s in our carry on and the girls were just so excited that they had their “own” room. I was SO thrilled that we had a hotel room to sleep in to break up the travel home and wish we had been able to do something like this on prior trips. I was so excited to think that we would just have one flight and it would go straight into our home airport.

Two Weeks with Dani!


It’s just amazing to me that it’s already been two weeks with Dani. On Facebook I had this as a status the other night, “I wonder how God makes these precious children with hearts so open to love that you can become their entire world in less than two weeks. We have been blessed far beyond what we deserve.”

Here are a some observations about Dani:

  • Her smile and laugh are the most adorable things ever!
  • She is a happy kid.
  • She is absolutely thrilled any time she hears the words, “Let’s Go” or “Shoes”
  • She isn’t exactly fond of the car seat, but she will get used to it soon enough.
  • She loves to eat everything. From breads to all sorts of veggies.
  • She plays intensely and will spend a long time trying to figure things out.
  • If an item of clothing is on her that can be zipped or buttoned, she wants it zipped or buttoned. She is so intense about it that she even tries to zip or button our clothes too.
  • The tantrums are decreasing each day.
  • We think that she was favored at the orphanage/in her nighttime foster family. And because of that, she is not used to being told no.
  • She is helping to feed herself and drink out of a sippy cup now. We knew she could do it, but was having us do all of it for her. That was fine with us because feeding is good for bonding.
  • She gets excited to follow Nadia and Amelie around and is interacting with them a lot more.
  • She was largely silent for the first 10 days with us, just watching us intently when we talk to her and show her stuff. Now she is talking more and singing little songs. We can also tell that she is picking up on a lot of English fast.
  • She has loved exploring our house and all the toys.
  • She likes to dance to music and it’s really cute.
  • A new behavior of hers that she introduced us to yesterday is “playing possum.” I am not exaggerating that she actually plays dead if you tell her something she doesn’t want to hear. It’s better than the screaming tantrum, but how in the world does a tiny kid like her learn that?


China Trip 2014 – Day 13

China Trip 2014 - Day 13
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Before Jaime and Chris left we tried the group shot one more time and Dani looked at the camera. Yeah!

Today started like all the rest – with the breakfast buffet. Nadia told me, “I am really going to miss the buffet when we go home. At home I just have to order from you.” HA! We wanted to go to the Botanical Gardens like we did on Amelie’s trip, but the weather just didn’t cooperate this trip. It was foggy and misting rain all day long. After breakfast we took the girls exploring around the Garden Hotel and took a lot of photos which I am going to put up as a separate blog post. It’s a really cool hotel with nifty decorations.

China Trip 2014 - Day 13

The girls pretending to take reservations at one of the Garden restuarants.

Our suite had a shower and bath set up that is one big area that you can close off with a door so I put them in the room with Playdoh and let them have at it. The big girls had a blast and Dani was going between looking through the window at them and coming back over to wherever Mike or I happened to be. I started looking at what we needed to pack and googled the cost of overweight baggage on Korean Air and knew we needed to buy another bag. We walked over to Subway for lunch and then I haggled with a street vendor to get us a new bag. We ended up with hot pink which thrilled Amelie and she asked if I bought it for her.

China Trip 2014 - Day 13

China Trip 2014 - Day 13

I love Dani getting in the mix here with her sisters. I asked them to try and get all the plastic off our new bag.

China Trip 2014 - Day 13

First shot of them all looking at the camera (sort of).

After the girls had a long nap they got up and we decided to brave giving Dani a bath in the sink. Our first 2 tries were a major fail because she was hysterical. Even just washing her hair was an ordeal. But we pushed through this time and by the end she calmed down a bit. A little while later I put both big sisters in the tub and she watched them through the window laughing, but didn’t want to watch when they were getting their hair washed. It’s one of the hard parts of being an adoptive parent – you just don’t know what they have been through in their short lives and why things freak them out. But we just keep on loving and trying to help their sweet little hearts.

I went over to the Trust Mart before dinner because I didn’t think we had enough diapers to make it home. What an adventure that was! Complete with a family of beggars desperately trying to get me to give them money saying, “Baby hungry. Baby hungry.” Sure, as if I am going to open my wallet in the middle of a busy China street. The craziest thing at the Trust Mart was that a pint of Hagen Das was $13 USD!!!!! Once back from my trek in the misty rain I heated up water and we had noodles and other food in the room and I set to work packing the bags with Dani’s help. Then it was time for bed on our last night in China.

China Trip 2014 – Day 12

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
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Dani is like, “Hey people! My shoes are on, it’s time to go. Why are you making me wait?”

The day started with the girls sleeping late and then going down for breakfast. We had a relaxed morning in the room and I ran out to get some food at a little bakery across the street to go with the noodles we were going to eat in the room.

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
Dani decided to stop screaming every time we got in an elevator πŸ™‚

China Trip 2014 - Day 12

In the afternoon I had plans to go shopping with Ann from Red Thread. Mike stayed back in the room with the girls to have a nap and wait for Lily to bring our paperwork from the Consulate. I gave her my list before we left the Garden and we hopped in a cab and were on our way.Β  I had so much fun with Ann. We laughed and laughed and she told me that I was a fast walker for a non-Chinese. HA HA! I was on a mission to buy some more of what we purchased in the past and things that I regretted not getting in 2011. First we went to the warehouse part of town that sells toys, silks and hair bows and clips. We started with the silks and I bought one of each size dress going up to teen size for the girls to wear for things like the Chinese New Year party at Chinese school. I also picked up a couple of silk tops for myself. Then we went to the bottom floor to the hair clip place that she took me to in 2011. I totally stocked up for our girls and for gifts!

China Trip 2014 - Day 12

From there we took a cab over to the area of town where the wholesale jade stalls are set up in a bunch of winding alleys. I wanted to look for some specific ornaments and bracelets for the girls and for gifts. That was really fun because you could tell it was not a place that Westerners usually went. I was asking about different designs and the woman agreed to take us down to her store house underground. Ann told me I was very lucky because most people don’t get to go down there. Ann took several photos of me and she said I was just having fun wherever I went πŸ™‚

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
Way underground. Ann said, “Pretend you got kidnapped.” Then I just started laughing.

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
Ann and I at the end of our adventure!

After picking up the items there we went to our final stop which was the children’s wholesale district. I picked up a bunch of TOTALLY awesome unique shoes for the girls. Ann told me to stop acting like I liked the shoes so much because she didn’t want them to make the prices higher. Then I picked up some Hello Kitty clothes for the girls and a Batman and Superman shirt for Nadia. Last, we took the subway and after 3 hours of fun I was back at the hotel. Mike said Dani slept the entire time, and the other girls napped and then watched “My Neighbor Totoro” on the Kindle.

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
I made Nadia laugh hysterically.

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
And Nadia laughing so hard made Dani laugh extra hard.

For dinner we decided to head over to The Italian Restaurant to have a full meal, not just take out pizza. It was American prices but AMAZING. We started with garlic bread and here was Dani’s face after the first bite.

China Trip 2014 - Day 12
Then she just kept asking for more!

We had the very best broccoli of our life – even Amelie kept asking for more. Then our pasta dishes came out. The girls and I shared two different dishes and Dani went wild for the Pesto Spaghetti. I finally had to cut herΒ  off because I was afraid she might get sick from eating so much.

China Trip 2014 - Day 12

China Trip 2014 - Day 12

We walked back to the hotel and then got the girls into bed. Our trip is almost over and we are all ready for home. Nadia is in dire need of a chance to be somewhere quiet and alone. Amelie is in need of her routine. It’s been good, but on these trips, once the American documents are delivered to the hotel…we are ready to be home.