Beads and Patterns


I enjoy reading blogs and getting ideas for new ideas to try with the girls. The Imagination Tree gave me this idea to try and teach Amelie patterns. I have tried various other things with her, but it hasn’t really clicked. All along the answer was in jewelry creation 🙂 Nadia wanted to join in and I told her she could just create whatever she wanted, but Amelie had to follow whatever I was calling out.


These would be the “another photo?” faces. HA!


We ended up with come cool stuff, but my favorite was the “crown” Nadia made me for “being a good mom.”

This happened about a week ago and today I tried some more patterns on paper with Amelie and she was so proud to “get it” right away. A wonderful thing about homeschooling is that you can tailor things to each child and Amelie clearly needs things repeated more and to do more hands on activities.