Amelie’s yearly hand check up

July 8, 2014

The day after Dani’s cast removal we had Amelie’s 1 year hand check up at Texas Scottish Rite so we loaded everyone up and headed over there. We started in radiology and this time Dr. Oishi  gave us a photo copy of them.

July 8, 2014

I know a lot of people have wondered what her hand bones look like and so I was glad to have this as a reference. Right before we started the appointment a person from the media department asked if we were willing to have Amelie filmed for a project they were putting together for the times Dr. Oishi travels around speaking and teaching about the work they do at Scottish Rite. We said of course and in they came with the camera. Dr. Oishi said that she is doing well and has good movement. He also said that there was no reason to do another surgery on the left side at this time. There was a possibility of removing the webbing to make the fingers a little longer, but he is worried that the middle finger will just hang there because it doesn’t have a longer bone in there. Right now it is sort of attached to the ring finger and she gets some use out of it.

He told her that she did a great job for the video and we wouldn’t have to come back for another year! Yippie! Once that was finished we bought some popcorn and headed outside to check out the new playground remodel. It is awesome!

July 8, 2014
July 8, 2014
July 8, 2014

After they had a good time outside we headed home relieved that surgeries for this year are behind us.