6 months ago today


6 months ago the most amazing toddler joined our family. She was angry and suspicious, but also curious and obsessed with food which worked out in our favor. She went from mostly silent to chatting in baby Chinese to saying SHOES. The love of shoes lead to her desire to leave the hotel room at any time to go anywhere – she just wanted to out and exploring. We saw that she knew how to be loved, make eye contact and that boo boos should be kissed.

Fast forward and she has been through major bone surgery, 8.5 weeks in a body cast, and learned to walk and run again. She understands everything we tell her, and is still obsessed with food, but now she eats slower because she has learned the food won’t run out.

She loves to sing, chase her big sisters around, be held by Mommy and Daddy, play dough, stuffed animals, baths, shoes, stickers and of course food.

Her smile lights up the world. She has the most delightful personality. I can’t imagine our life without her.

We love you Dani and are beyond blessed that you joined our family!