Ice & Snow!

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The weather had been getting better and better around here and suddenly at the end of February we had an ice and snow storm. The girls were SO EXCITED since they thought there wouldn’t be any this year (which is typical). And you know we are only excited about it because we don’t have to live with it every year for months on end. Which I think is how most Northerner’s feel about our hot summers – it sounds good in the middle of winter, but 50 days over 100* is a shocker for lots who move here. Here are some fun photos from the end of February.

This photo makes me smile because it started to melt and the grass looks nice and green while the girls keep trying to play.

Photos from the end of Feb 2015

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Mike and I have been talking about how we should get rid of a lot of our stuff that isn’t being used. Pass it on to others, recycle or just toss if it’s trash. The start of that was cleaning out all of the girls bedrooms and matching up all the toys. It was time for things to go and make some more new children happy. During all the ice and snow I decided this was the perfect time to start. First on the list was piling up all the stuffed animals and making the girls decide on which ones were going to go. I had to snap this photo of Nadia.

One morning I found Dani in her crib with her footie jammies on backwards. She even had them almost all the way zipped up.

For science camp last month they did explosions outside.

The toy purge made the “Little People” really exciting again.

Dani’s first Do-a-dot sheet. I thought she did a great job.